Our story covers almost three and a half years of planning and consultation – working with some of the region’s leading experts to develop a master plan for Eastfield Precinct.
Throughout this process, the development team has received extensive support and commitment from the Ashburton District Council. Engagement with the public, including local business owners, during the very early planning stages of this development, also identified a number of opportunities that helped shape the design process. As a result, the master plan has been developed to address the key areas where the District is underserviced or needs additional resources. It also builds on the experiences of both local and international work/live precincts that have established that co-locating complementary activities will add new life and dynamic energy – especially in an urban centre.
Much of the development expertise to reach this stage was completed as a result of two comprehensive design workshops and extensive additional planning conducted by urban designer Craig Pocock and project architect Bill Skews. The study of regional demand, which identified a range of elements under-provided in Ashburton, was completed for Eastfield Precinct by Mike Cullen of retail geography specialists Urbacity. Now the master plan phase is complete, a comprehensive project and staging plan will be undertaken.
021 855 238
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